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Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

McKinley is a PBIS School

McKinley is a PBIS (Positive Behavior Support) School. The purpose of PBIS is to increase academic achievement, decrease office referrals and to provide a safe, respectful school environment. Our goal is to help each child develop self-discipline. Together, home and school share the responsibility for developing good citizens. Parents, teachers, and students must work together to maintain a safe learning environment. The PBIS program is based upon our philosophy of recognizing positive contributions of students. PBIS means that teachers, administrators, counselors and support staff are going to take responsibility to TEACH positive behavior expectations to students. Students who take responsibility to behave positively will be recognized and rewarded. Students will also know exactly what consequences will result when they choose not to meet the school wide expectations.

Soar….It’s the Eagle Way!

SOAR Expectations

S - Show Respect
O - Observe Safety
A - Accept Responsibility
R - Resolve Problems